Problem is ableton not supporting track loads via MIDI (and osc). My goal is one day to control ableton live from touch, basically building a (multitouch) virtual midi controller. On the other hand I never really used rewire, so I probably miss the good stuff an integration might offer. It’s a DAW running as a vst plugin, so you can also load additional VSTs/Instruments inside it. In case you don’t know energy XT, check it out. Could have the same benefit as implementing rewire, but also giving you much more audio power. If instead VST plugins would be supported, then you could even load something like energyXT to have a complete DAW inside your synth (and maybe send sync data from there to touch). What you wanna do with the audio data? If it’s just for visualization purposes, you might be better of doing analysis in an optimized package (like max/msp, pd, bidule) and only send the “converted” control signals you need via osc to touch. If it works w/o ASIO on both ends, then you can use it to get the audio from any app into touch and send additional control signals via MIDI/osc But I’m not sure if both apps need to support asio. I think the jack audio server is now also available for windows.